Monday, July 1, 2013

It's our Cali-versary!

This time last year... I was full of anxiety, we had JUST landed at LAX and the Husband and I were on our way to open the doors to a home we'd never seen in person to begin a new life.

1 year later...I'm happy to report that life is beautiful and I we don't regret a single day!

Besides the squinty faces...I'd say we look pretty happy! That's what 360 days of sunshine can do for you folks!!! I swear it only rained 5 days! 

We've done more here in 1 year than we've done in 2 years back home. Everyday is an adventure here! We've traveled up and down the coast to San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Malibu, San Diego and Palm Springs! Every city has something new to offer and most of the places are just a short drive away. 

I had a few awesome "Firsts" here: 

 First Earthquake kit for school...I'm used to sending a spare pair of underwear! 

First Tattoo! OUCH!
First hair weave! 
Then 6 months got longer! Owww!!! 
 First FAKE Christmas Tree... not so proud moment...but.... was worth it because we were surprising Baltimore for Christmas!

Our family has grown 4 hairy legs!

Isn't she a doll! And appropriately named Cali! 

We've gotten to snuggle our west coast family more: 

Meet the Original Lynch's!!! Love these gals!! :)

Our Midwest family is semi West Coast too!  Tons of great snuggle time with Auntie Lauren!

I've been taken in by the Diaz Sisters:

I fit right in! Thank you gals for loving the Sands the way you do! xoxo

Some of my *BESTIES* came to visit me: 

I live in this moment forever! Love these ladies!!!! 

Linked up with my local Black Girls RUN! 
Great to have pavement sisters wherever you go! 

Most importantly... My Girls and The Husband are happy, we spend more days outdoors soaking up the rays, and just enjoying life. The pace here is way different than the east coast. The Husband and I have really grown in our personal relationship, we spend more time together here for some odd reason. I think it's because most days we only really have each other to lean on. So kudos to California for strengthening the Sands! 

 These smiles make it all worth it!
 Even this craziness! 
Luck of the Sands...feels more like a blessing! 
We look forward to another GREAT year in California... I'll do better blogging... promise!!!

-the momo momma


  1. awwww what a wonderful recap! Thank you so much for keeping us updated on your wonderful west coast life [no matter how jealous I am...err..we are ;-)]. Cali looks good on ya girl. Keep it up.

  2. That was an awesome post! I won't say how I REALLY feel (lol) but I'm so, so happy that you guys are happy and growing as a family! I can't believe it's been a year....I guess time does indeed fly by when you're having fun! Love you guys and miss you more! xoxo

    1. I still can't believe Dean came the NEXT day!!! Miss you XOXOXO

  3. Love it! You make me want to move to California!

  4. I enjoyed your recap. You have a gorgeous family and I'm glad the first year all the way on the other side turned out great for you guys.

    This just confirmed that I need to visit California.

  5. this post is so full of happiness and love...although i hate that you are so far, all that i wanted was for the Sands to find happiness in Cali, and you did!! and on the bright side, the other day the hubby said "who knows, maybe our next house will be on the west coast" #truestory! love you guys!! xox
